A Match Made at TVCC

Thames Valley Children’s Centre helps one couple meet, grow and fall in love.

Claire looked at her mother and asked, “What is that weirdo doing?”

The eight-year-old girl was waiting for an appointment at Thames Valley Children’s Centre (TVCC) when she saw a boy, not much younger than her, climbing on top of a play house.

Little did she know, this “strange” little boy would end up being her husband.

Claire and Connor spent most of their childhood visiting TVCC, a rehabilitation centre for kids with disabilities. They both live with cerebral palsy (CP), a neurological disorder that affects movement, motor skills, and muscle tone.

It was in their teen years that they started getting to know each other through wheelchair basketball at TVCC. Their paths continued to cross throughout their journey at the centre.

TVCC helped Connor with stretching and tightness in his legs to improve his mobility. They also introduced him to karate, which he pursued for years. Equally important, the centre is where he met many of his friends, including Claire.

It was only three years ago when Claire and Connor began dating and by 2018, they had tied the knot.

The September air was crisp, and leaves coated the grass. Claire and Connor were bounded by an intimate circle of family and friends at Ivey Spencer where they held their outdoor ceremony. The couple made an emotional decision to donate to TVCC in lieu of wedding favours for their guests.

“Wedding favours are nice but this way we know our money is going somewhere that’s close to our family,” the couple says.

Today, Claire is an early childhood educator while Connor works at Toyota’s production line.

“Without TVCC, we don’t know where we would be,” adds Claire. “Without TVCC, I wouldn’t be able to sign my own name. Without TVCC, we probably wouldn’t have known each other. It meant a lot to us to give back.”

Happy Valentine’s Day Claire and Connor!

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