Even in times as difficult as facing a cancer diagnosis, Kaeleigh and Kaitlyn felt inspired by their Children’s care teams. Their unique journey from patient to care provider helps make them exceptional nurses.
Healing Journeys: Kamlee and Zyon’s Story of Community and Care
In a quiet neighbourhood in London, Ontario, lives a family whose journey clearly illustrates the extraordinary care Children’s Hospital provides.
When New Parents Need Help with Breastfeeding at Home, Call a Midwife
We all know that babies don’t come with a manual, but they can come with the next best thing: a midwife. And they’ll even come to your home.
Building Virtual Friendships
TVCC researchers are exploring how to cultivate and support online friendships among children with disabilities.
Unlocking Childhood Cancer
When we think of childhood cancer, most of us immediately picture children with no hair, experiencing severe nausea. The reality of cancer care is that kids and teens respond to treatment in vastly different ways.
‘Strange’ Case Highlights Challenges of Childhood Cancer
When Katie and Matthew noticed a spot of swelling on their five-month-old son Walter’s lip, at first, they thought it was just another hemangioma – a type of non-cancerous growth that he had before and that resolved on their own.
From Hospital to Second Home
Children’s Hospital is transformed from a sterile, scary and overwhelming facility into a second home by dedicated staff, poke free play spaces, calming nature areas and child and family-centred programs.
A Heart of Gold
Joanne shows her devotion for helping children with a gift to Children’s Health Foundation in her Will.
Critically Ill Infants Travel to Care More Easily Thanks to Schmirler Foundation Gift
Thanks to a generous gift from the Sandra Schmirler Foundation, the Neonatal Paediatric Transport Team at Children’s Hospital will be better equipped to help infants born too soon, too small, too sick and too far from life-saving care.
Brain Tumours’ Worst Enemy
Neuro-oncologist, Dr. Chantel Cacciotti is pushing the boundaries of cancer care.
Grateful Dad Says “All Kids Deserve Care” His Son Received At Children’s
When Brad McDougall’s family needed specialized health care, they thought they might have to travel far from home to find it. But, thanks to years of careful forethought and investment by donors, Children’s Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre turned out to be the ideal spot.
Help Kids Like Marley With OHL Playoffs Ultimate 50/50
Between episodes of Paw Patrol and singing two-year-old Marley’s favourite silly songs, Marley’s parents noticed something different – Marley’s colour was changing – she seemed so much paler. Soon, Marley’s mood changed. She went from her happy, bubbly self to irritable. Something was wrong.
Choosing Children’s Made All the Difference
Robert Martinho came into the world in Ottawa in March 1994, and before he was even six months old, he was already on the transplant list. For his family, London became a second home.
Help Unlock Answers that Protect Kids’ Lives
When twins Amelia and Harper started needing frequent hospitalization for pneumonia, their worried parents started asking questions.
Transporting Waylon — The Lifesaving Drive
Children’s Neonatal Paediatric Transport Team share their incredible effort to safely transport Waylon to specialized paediatric critical care at Children’s Hospital.
Saving Waylon
When Waylon fell through an ice-covered pool at his babysitter’s house, it took an entire community to save him – including you.
The Next 100 Years of Children’s (CH, TVCC, CHRI): Dr. Victor Han and Olink Lab Technology
When someone like Dr. Victor Han calls a technology a “game-changer” for children’s health care, you pay attention.
5 Tips for Keeping Your Children Safe in Summer
Five tips to help keep your children safe in summer from Children’s Hospital’s Injury Prevention Team.
Expert Care Saved Baby Maia’s Life
Maia was born two months premature, with two holes in her heart. Expert care at Children’s Hospital saved her life.
Dr. Fred Possmayer’s Research Discovery Continues to Save Lives Over 40 Years Later
You may not know Dr. Fred Possmayer, but you may know someone because of Dr. Fred Possmayer. His research discovery has saved thousands of lives and reduced suffering around the world, and it’s often referred to in the same breath as insulin.
Transformational Donation Will Launch the Jahnke Family Paediatric Oncology Centre of Excellence at Children’s Hospital
Local London couple, Dieter and Lyse Jahnke, have made a transformational $5 million donation that will launch the Jahnke Family Paediatric Oncology Centre of Excellence at Children’s Hospital, enhancing and transforming care for children affected by cancer.
How the Churchill Family’s Generosity Is Changing the Lives of Our Tiniest Patients
Children’s Health Foundation is honoured that the Churchill Family has made this life-saving gift so that patients at Children’s Hospital can continue to receive the best possible care and most possible hope.
Curing Epilepsy with Expert Skills and Donor-funded Equipment
In 2021, Children’s Health Foundation donors fully funded the ROSA One Brain Robotic Arm, a state-of-the-art piece of equipment, made specifically for paediatric patients. The addition of the ROSA One Brain Robotic Arm for Children’s Hospital’s Paediatric Epilepsy Program – one of only two Regional Epilepsy Surgery Centres of Excellence in Ontario – has been transformational.
High School Students Transform Paediatric Inpatient Unit
In early 2022, John Paull II Catholic Secondary School art teacher Christine Mancini received a text from her friend Ashley Stephen, a nurse in the Paediatric Inpatient Unit at Children’s Hospital. Ashley had a question for Christine: would her students be interested in creating some fun murals for the unit?
How Two Kids’ Friendship Created Lasting Holiday Magic
Hunter’s Mom Sarah shares what this time of year means to her and her family.
Peer Support for Kids Changes Their Hospital Experience
At Children’s Hospital, Youth CoRE ensures our kids and teens have peers to talk to.
World Prematurity Day: Midwifery Helps New Parents Have an Unforgettable Moment
At Children’s Hospital, the Midwifery Department is finding the best ways to ensure parents can hold their newborns skin-to-skin as soon as possible – even after a cesarian section.
Getting Kids Closer to The Care They Need
This week, YOU can help kids like Hunter get closer to the care they need. Donate your Aeroplan points during Air Canada’s Aeroplan matching week October 2 to 8 and help ensure kids from all over Western Ontario have access to leading-edge care.
Leading-edge Cancer Care at Children’s Hospital
As our kids face cancer, they have expert clinicians and researchers working around the clock to provide the best possible care.
The Children’s Group LHSC Auxiliary Celebrates 100 Years
Leaders from across our health care community shared in the Children’s Group’s centennial and thanked them for their contributions.