A Heart of Gold

Joanne shows her devotion for helping children with a gift to Children's Health Foundation in her Will

Helping others is in Joanne’s DNA.  

She vividly remembers participating in her first fundraising event at 10 years old – a 25-mile (yes, we used miles back then, she says with a chuckle) walk-a-thon to build a school in Brazil. Since that first experience, she hasn’t stopped raising funds and awareness for causes close to her heart. 

Children’s Health Foundation is one of those causes.  

As a proud aunt to 13 nieces and nephews and a great aunt to 18 children, she knows how important it is to invest in specialized paediatric health care for our region.  

“Children’s Hospital’s trauma team saved my youngest niece from respiratory distress when she was a newborn. They’ve cared for many of my other nieces and nephews, and I’ve also witnessed more of the amazing work they do throughout my professional life,” says Joanne. 

Working at Walmart in Goderich for 25 years, Joanne was an enthusiastic charity coordinator and raised funds for Children’s Hospital. Her role allowed her to participate in Children’s Hospital Week in Florida and meet Champion Children from across North America. Champion Children have lived hospital experience and share their stories to illustrate the life-saving impact of health care donations. 

“The children’s resiliency and the beauty of their spirits continue to inspire me,” says Joanne, who has also been a Caring Hearts monthly donor for 20 years. 

With her long history of the cause and her passion for community, it was a no-brainer for Joanne to make the decision to leave a gift in her Will to Children’s Health Foundation. She has also left specific instructions to include the Foundation as an option for a memorial donation.  

“Whether I’m here or not, my legacy of helping others will continue,” says Joanne. “I feel confident in choosing Children’s Health Foundation because of the incredible level of caring I’ve seen from the staff for nearly three decades. I trust wholeheartedly that they will be good stewards of my gift.”

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